
Friday, August 17, 2007

Diedrick Ward Moore

He finally came!!! I was induced on Wednesday, August 8th (8/8!). We were warned that we could be called by the hospital anytime in that 24 hours, and we needed to come within a half hour or we would loose our spot. So needless to say, I didn't sleep very well the night before. I didn't go anywhere that morning, just carried the phone around in my hand. No call. Nothing. At 9am I called under the pretense of asking if I should eat breakfast (they told me not to eat in the morning, but I already had my breakfast at 8) and they told me that they were pretty busy, and hopefully I could get in that afternoon. I was devestated. Scott took the boys out to the park to keep them busy, and I just sat around, with the phone in my hand. No call. Nothing. Finally at 2 I called them again, and they said I could come in at 3. FINALLY!! I usually have a pretty fast labor, once they break my water I usually deliver within the next hour. I was quite excited when my Dr. broke my water at 4, since I figured it would be another quick delivery. Boy was I wrong! After 4 hours, and not progressing, and things just not feeling right, they told me the baby was posterior, and that I needed to move to different positions to help turn him around. It helped a little, but I was pretty upset when 8:08 passed by and I was only at a 6. I wanted to get an epidural, but I was worried that it would stop my contractions. At 9:30 I got my epidural, and basically gave up hope of having my baby on 8/8. But things started moving quickly, and at 11 I started pushing. But this baby just did not want to come out. I don't know if he ever got turned the right way, but I pushed waaaaaaaay longer than I wanted to! He finally made his entrance at 11:32 pm, weighing in at 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and 20 inches long.