
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Its time for the stress

Ok, so I've tried to remain pretty calm about the whole feeding 37 people at my house for Thanksgiving thing. I really tried. But it is all falling apart. If I hear my husband say that I am going to make an e-coli turkey one more time, I'm seriously going to blow a gasket. So I bought my turkey on Thursday, and then one on Friday. I put them right into the fridge to defrost. According to my ever so smart husband, my turkey is going to be infested with e-coli by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, and I will make my whole family sick. Why did it work out that he only has to work one day this week? Why??!!?? I don't work well when he is around, because he focuses on totally different things. I just wanted to make sure that the turkey would be thawed and marinated before we cooked it. I figured that it would be ok. He worrys I'm going to get my whole family sick.
But its all going to be ok, because I made a plan of attack. Monday I've gotta clean, and put up more decorations. I'm also making the cranberry sauce, veggie dip and chex mix. Jodi is arriving.
Tuesday, I'm making the rolls, cornbread cranberry muffins, and my visiting teachers are going to stop by.
Wednesday, I'm making the first turkey, rainbow jello and green bean salad. Julie will get here late, and mom and dad are arriving. I think Steve is coming today also, and possibly Jan.
Thursday...the big day...all I've gotta do is make the other turkey, the ham, the corn, and keep everybody happy until all the food is cooked and ready to eat.
Friday is Tyson's baptism. The time is still undecided, because Scott and I are having a hard time agreeing on that.
Saturday, I guess Scott is taking the boys over to Kanab. I'll hang out with my family.
How does that sound? Ok, who am I kidding, I'm stressed just writing it!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

going to jail

Its hard being the mom who makes rules, and then enforces them. Tyson and his little friends wanted to go ride bikes in a couple vacant lots by our house. There are *no trespassing* signs right by the street, clearly visable. I was the mean mom who said no, you are not going to go trespassing on other people's property. Then Cash asked what would happen, and I said the people who own the land might call the police. This is the following conversation:
Cash: What will the police do?
Tyson: Take you to prison for 23 years.
Cash: Then I will die?!
Tyson: No, they feed you there.
Cash: What do they feed you, baby food?
So, the moral of the story is, don't trespass on other peoples property, or you will go to jail for 23 years, and only get to eat baby food.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sore loser

Ok, so I know I've got some issues. But there is one thing that I really need to work on. I'm not happy for other people when they get new/better/other stuff than me! Like when my friend told me she was having a girl. I really should have been happy for her. Nope, I called my husband at work and cried because I wanted a girl. How dumb is that? But I am now happy as can be for her. Or when I go work out with my sister-in-law in the mornings, and she looses weight, and I don't . I get all annoyed that she's so skinny. I know, I'm dumb. So I recently got picked to be on a design team for a new scrapbooking company. That was a major deal by itself (they had over 300 people apply, and I was one of the 10 they chose). Recently the owners of my scrapbook company had a meeting with Creating Keepsakes and Simple Scrapbooks (two scrapbook mags I love!) They took two pages from each member of the Design Team to show off their new papers. The editors of the mags chose 4 pages to publish in their magazines. Ok. First, I should just be grateful that they looked at my pages. I've been submitting pages for publication for years. I know that. But I feel so disappointed when I don't get chosen for these things. That is why I quit trying to get published. So now I have to make 10 more pages, and I'm having a hard time finding motivation because I feel like I'm not good enough to get published. Ick. I hate being the sore loser!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

some random thoughts, and a cute story

I am so glad that Halloween is over. The night of our trunk-or-treat (Sat, not on Halloween) we went to a suprise party for Scott's best friend from High School. We were fortunate enough to be able to leave the kids at home with LaRae, who happened to be in town. So we went and at dinner in Kanab, then went out in the hills and had a bonfire with about 15 of their friends. It really reminded me of high school. Then we got to a rough part of the road, and we crammed 9 of us in the front of a truck...then it really reminded me of high school-except in high school we were all alot smaller! It was fun to see my husband relax, and just enjoy himself, and have fun. I don't really see that very much. Then, we got home at 2 AM, and had to get up and I went to church an hour early (8AM) to practice for the primary program. thank goodness for the time change! Then we had the primary program. I love my boys, and they did such a great job. It is amazing to me that they are so different. Who would have ever thought that Cash would be shy? He realy didn't like getting up there in front of the microphone and saying his part, then he stomped off to the side and glared at everyone. Then he jumped off the stairs as they were going down to where the sunbeams were sitting. He does know how to make people laugh, though. Then there is Tyson. Definately my child. Loves getting up there, doing his part and singing his little heart out.
Now, for Halloween. That was one busy day. Cash had his preschool party in the morning, and then we all went to Tyson's party in the afternoon. It was great (except the part where Dayson kept trying to go into different classrooms). As soon as we got home, I started making dinner. We ate at 4:30, then got dressed up, and started T-or-Ting at 5. I got Dayson in his superman costume, then when I was putting Cash in his spiderman costume, Dayson kept pulling me. Finally, he said, "Mom, put my cape on or I will die!"
"No, you aren't going to die."
"Yes I will, if I'm up flying in the air, and I don't have a cape on, I will die!"
"Ok honey, I'll put your cape on."
The boys had a great time, and we stayed out for 2 hours, then stopped by Target to show Daddy our costumes. Then when we got home, the boys had a blast giving out candy. We had set out our candy on the porch while we were out T-or-Ting, so of course it was gone, but little Cash is so nice, and started giving away all his candy. I stopped him, and we sorted through, and kept all the good stuff, and gave away all the yucky stuff (like sweet tarts and smarties and jawbreakers). I feel like I've taught my boys well!