
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'm going to give this a try

I decided that if Julie can do this, so can I. I have wanted to do a blog for quite some time, and since my sister did one first, I didn't want to just be a follower, so I resisted. But now I really feel like blogging. So here it goes. My life is crazy. this moring I had four 4 year olds and two 3 year olds over. I had to babysit for a couple of different people. Let me tell you, I'm just glad that I don't have quadruplets and twins!!! there weren't enough toys to go around, they all wanted the same one, there weren't enough chairs for everyone, there wasn't enough cups for everyone. But it only lasted 2 hours, then they all went home. Let me tell you, don't every pray for an opportunity to give service...because it happens. I had been feeling a bit down this last little bit, and I thought that maybe service would help you feel better, right? So the next day two different people asked me to watch their kids. Becareful what you wish for. Tomorrow, I'm hoping will be calm. No big plans, Scott will be back to work, so I can do my own thing, not worry about him. I'm finally going to take Cash into the doctor. The poor kid just won't get over this ear infection. And since we are going to be having this big weekend at Zions (with Scotts family, for his mother's birthday) I want him better before we go. I just found out that a friend's sister goes to Target pharmacy only because the phamracist is hot. I'm debating on whether or not that pharmacist needs to know....he's already got a pretty big ego... Oh, and I just did 3 scrapbook pages yesterday. Two are for my design team that I'm on. I love the way the one turned out. I very rarely do a page about me, but I love this one. Anyway, this is me, trying to blog...