
Monday, October 16, 2006

I've been tagged

Ok, my dear friend Kelly(http://www.scrapgal.com/phpBB2/album_showpage.php?pic_id=10691) tagged me, so I guess it is my turn. 5 wierd things about me....
1. I scrapbook. that really isn't that bad, but I'm obsessed. I dream about scrapbooks, I am constantly thinking about scrabooks, I spend all my extra money on scrapbooks. Then I don't let my kids look at them.
2. I don't like food. I don't like most meat (I don't mind chicken and hamburger in meals-most of the time) I don't like most veggies, I don't like fish, I don't like milk, I don't like pretty much everything. It makes it hard to go out to eat, it makes it hard to go to other people's houses to eat.
3. I clean when I get frustrated. My sister saw this while she was over at my house this weekend. After a very poopy day with my son (that is a whole nother blog!) I did my dishes, mopped my floor, scrubbed the carpet on the stairs and washed some walls before I was calmed down.
4. I'm a zit picker. Ok, I said it, my dirty little secret. I love to pop my zits. I have huge pores, and you should see the things that come out of them! If I get a really good one, I'll even save it on the mirror for my hubby to see when he gets home.
5. I am a liar. If someone asks me a question, and I don't know the answer, I'll make one up. The trick is to make it sound almost scientific, with a little bit of fact, and you have to say it with confidance. My hubby always double checks now, if I really know what I'm talking about, or if it is just made up.
Ok, that was hard! now its my turn to tag people!
Julie http://www.familiabigcastle.blogspot.com/
Jodi http://www.wheatbeat.blogspot.com/
you have just been tagged!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

so I can't spell

I've know for quite some time (about the 3rd grade, actually) that I can't spell. Sorry Jarren, I've been spelling your name wrong for the last 15 years! But it would really help if people would spell names how I sound things out in my head! Anyway...I'm so excited for Christmas. I've gotten in the Christmas spirit...maybe its from all the stores having their Christmas stuff up already (thank you Costco!) I've been looking for some gifts, I've got most of my boys stuff done. I'm working on Scott's family Christmas stuff. I've even been scrapbooking Christmas stuff!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Christmas is coming!

Julie and I drew names for all the cousins this morning. It was quite a deal. But here they are:
Brandon has Brigham
Autumn has Scott
Heather has Cash
Morgan has Jerin
Hyrum has Logan
Joshua has Dayson

Kaber has Hyrum
Chris has Morgan
Jacob has Slade
Logan has Brandon
Isaac has Joshua
Zachary has JD
Rebekah has Autumn
Kaitlyn has Heather

JD has Zachary
Jerin has Jacob
Jesse has Kaitlyn

Tyler has Rachel

Tyson has Tyler
Cash has Isaac
Dayson has Lea

Brigham has Tyson
Sarah has Rebekah
Rachel has Christopher
Lea has Jesse

Slade has Sarah
Scott has Kaber

I'm so excited to get going on Christmas stuff!!!



Friday, October 06, 2006

Booya, feetfeet

Ok, my 3 year old has a foot fetish. I think he thinks my feet are his own personal pets. He loves my feet, loves to play with them, loves to put them up to his face, loves to kiss them. Sick. Gross. Whatever. So the other day, we were watching America's Funniest Videos. We were all laughing. Dayson just grabs my foot and said, "Look feetfeet, its funny" and points my foot at the TV. On a seperate, but related note, my 3 year old also has a new favorite word (besides feetfeet). Booya. He always says it. Playing outside. Booya. Yelling at his brothers. Booya-head. Watching tv. Booya. Getting the mail. Booya. Wierd. I don't know where he comes up with these things. I don't know where he heard the word. I don't know why he loves it so.

So last night was my night. I love watching TV on Thursdays. I love the Office, my name is Earl, Grey's Anatomy and ER. But last night we didn't record Survivor. I was more than a bit annoyed! Thankgoodnes for the computer, so I could go and read a recap! How did I ever survive without my DVR and computer?! Oh, and LOST. I love that show! I'm so glad that it has started again. And I love to get on the computer after I watch it, and go to a certain website and read what everyone thought of it, and what they saw that I missed. Then I like to go back, and re-watch it so I can see what I missed! Seriously, how did I survive without DVR and my computer?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

just another day

Just another day here. I really wish I had more important, exciting things to write. I wish I had an important life. Like my husband. He's smart, and everyone knows it. I had a friend today tell me now she knew why my son was so smart. It comes from my husband. Yup, it did. But it came from me too. But that's ok. I've got other talents. Scott isn't good at scrapbooking. He's not good at sewing halloween costumes. He's not good at being a mom. Right.
Speaking of halloween costumes, they are done!! I had a hard time with the last one. It seems that I kept sewing things upside down, or inside out. I had to take it apart 3 times. But is is all good now, because they are all done, and sitting in the box waiting to be mailed off. Hopefully tomorrow. Maybe today.
So this week I've been trying to be a good mom. I'm making halloween meals. Monday we had soup with cat, bat and pumpkin shaped biscuits. Tuesday was funny face salad. it was a HUGE hit. Even Cash ate it. That kid won't eat anything. Tonight is twice baked mummies. I've gotta get working on that one. I've got to bake potatoes, then make meatballs. Once the potatoes are baked, you cut them in half, then scoop out the inside (so it looks a little like a coffin) then fill the potato with meatballs and marinara sauce. Melt strips of motzarella cheese over the top (to make it look like mummy wrapping) add the yucky olives for eyes, and volia, twice baked mummy.