I'm back from CHA!!!
I had so much fun! It was awesome to go play with such fun ladies (and a couple of guys). I don't know where to begin. I got to meet some girls on my design team for the first time, and that was great. I love the owners of Tinkering Ink, they are just the coolest people in the world. I loved meeting friends from the internet (Leslie, Lea, Dina and Sher!). I even met Cathy Z and Heidi Swapp! But I have to say, the best part was being a part of the best dressed design team at CHA! We wore the cutest shirts that matched our fabulous paper. There was a down side though. I was on my feet constantly, and boy are my feet sore! And I totally got groped in the Las Vegas airport waiting for my husband to pick me up. A drunken older man who's English needed a lot of help came and asked me for directions. I couldn't quite figure out what he was saying, so I told him to go inside and ask. He came out a little later, and put his arm around me and mumbled something else, than ran his hand down my back and ended up on my butt. I moved away, and luckily an airport worker (who happened to be a large tough looking male!) was coming in our direction (I think he could tell I'd like a little help) and he was able to point the drunk foreigner to the right place. BUT, it was totally worth it just to be able to hang out at the Tinkering Ink booth for 4 days!!!